NAJC Update

To the members of the National Association of Japanese Canadians, we would like to give you this update on things that have transpired over the past month. We have reinitiated the NAJC Newsletter and draw your attention to an update on BC Redress that appeared on this site recently.  Regarding other matters: 2020-2021 National Executive Board...Continue reading

NAJC Chats with Steven Kariya

The National Association of Japanese Canadians has been checking in with some members of the Japanese Canadian community during this time when we’ve been social distancing and trying to stay home as much as possible. We’ll share some of our conversations in our e-news and social media. In May 2020, we had a chat with...Continue reading

NAJC Chats with RM Greenaway

RM began writing crime fiction in a blizzard. She was on a Greyhound bus, travelling northbound from Smithers to Prince Rupert, on the job as a court reporter covering the northern half of B.C. Street names became character names as the bus passed through towns and villages, and the blizzard became the setting for her first book. Continue reading



NAJC会長のメッセージ 2020年9月

ロリン・オイカワ 学校が始まる時はいつでもちょっとしたチャレンジがあります。子どもの送り迎えの手配、文房具の購買、小さな子どものチャイルドケアの手配などがあります。

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