NAJC会長のメッセージ 2020年12月

ロリン・オイカワ 11月の会長のメッセージでサスカチュワン州とブリティッシュ・コロンビア州の選挙について、郵便投票が例年に比べて非常に多く、まだ選挙結果が出ていないとお伝えしました。

Canadian Labour International Film Festival

The National Association of Japanese Canadians is hosting Canada’s national labour film festival, the Canadian Labour International Film Festival (CLiFF). CLiFF brings the stories of workers from around the world to you. CLIFF) is celebrating its 12th year by hosting CLIFF 2020 virtually. Now more than ever it is important that working people be able...Continue reading

NAJC会長のメッセージ 2020年11月

ロリン・オイカワ このメッセージを書いている時にブリティッシュ・コロンビア州では10月24日に、サスカチュワン州では10月26日にそれぞれ州議会の選挙がありました。

NAJC President’s Message – November 2020

Remember that voting rights have not existed for everyone at the same time. In 1947, Chinese- and Indo-Canadians finally got the right to vote. Japanese Canadians didn’t get franchise until 1949 – four years after the Second World War ended. About 22,000 Japanese Canadians, who were forcibly uprooted, dispossessed, and interned, were finally allowed to vote and return to the west coast if they had the means.Continue reading

Bitter Sweet Trail Screening and Discussion

Thank you for attending the premiere of the newly created documentary, Bitter Sweet Trail, on the Japanese Canadians and Alberta Sugar Beets. This documentary stems from the bus tour of Southern Alberta organized by the Nikkei National Museum in the fall of 2019. The film was created by Kenji Dyck and produced by David Iwaasa and...Continue reading

Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society’s Virtual Japanese Cultural Fair

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of our member organizations to cancel major cultural celebrations that were planned in 2020. As an example, the Victoria Nikkei Cultural Society were not able to hold their annual Japanese Cultural Fair, which has been held over the past twenty years. Aside from disappointing the 1000+ attendees that come...

NAJC President’s Message – October 2020

The NAJC National Executive Board (NEB) is very grateful for our extended JC family, all of our member organizations and members, volunteers, and the Japanese Canadian communities across Canada. With the COVID-19 pandemic we had to rethink, pivot, and adapt. Sometimes we were able to switch events to online such as our AGM on October 2nd.Continue reading


ロリン・オイカワ もうすぐ感謝祭ですね。カボチャのパイなど感謝祭の食事は楽しみですが、感謝祭はそれだけではありません。

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