The Art Miki National Leadership Award is given every two years to an individual who has shown leadership and who has made outstanding contributions to strengthen the Japanese Canadian community at both the local and the national levels. It is a lasting acknowledgement to the pivotal role played by Dr. Miki in the Redress Settlement of 1988 with the Government of Canada as well as his continued advocacy for human rights for all Canadians. The Award – formerly known as the NAJC National Award – is the highest award given by this organization. There is no process application and the recipient is determined by the National Executive Board.
For leadership at local and national level
Art Miki National Leadership Award
(formerly the NAJC National Award) For leadership at local and national level
2024 Art Miki National Leadership Award – Terumi Kuwada
Terumi Kuwada was awarded the NAJC Art Miki Leadership Award on October 8, 2024 at the NAJC conference in Edmonton, Alberta.
Terumi is a long-standing volunteer for the National Association of Japanese Canadians (NAJC). Terumi served as the President of the NAJC from 2008 to 2010 and then as Past President from 2010 to 2014. Her strong leadership as president assisted the organization with capacity building. She continued to volunteer for the NAJC for another 10 years assisting with elections, administration, and capacity building.
Her long service also includes supporting the Japanese Cultural Association of Manitoba (JCAM) based in Winnipeg where she was recognized with an Outstanding Community Service Award at the JCAM 2020 Annual General Meeting.
Terumi has a master’s degree in social work and has actively worked to build relationships with other community groups for greater understanding and to develop opportunities for communities to support each other. She has volunteered with at least 16 different organizations over the past 35 years. The NAJC has a deep connection with the Islamic Social Services Association (ISSA) based in Winnipeg because of Terumi. She has been an active volunteer of ISSA for over 13 years including a term as a member of the Board of Directors of ISSA and sitting on the Advisory Council of ISSA.
Her record of volunteering was recognized with the Manitoba Premier’s Volunteer Service Award. Her exceptional contributions to community building have inspired many, and she was given the highest honour in Manitoba by being appointed to the Order of Manitoba.
2023: Susanne Tabata
2017: Bryce Kanbara
2015: Maryka Omatsu
2013: Mary & Tosh Kitagawa
2010: Ann Sunahara (exception made)
2009: Keiko Miki
2007: Tony Tamayose
2005: Jesse Nishihata
2003: Gordon Hirabayashi
2001: Joy Kogawa
1999: Henry Shimizu
1997: Roy Inouye
1995: Audrey Kobayashi
1993: Harold Hirose
1991: Roger Obata
1989: Art Miki