Webinar session on Japanese Canadian History – July 21st

Nikkei National MuseumNational Association of Japanese Canadians Heritage Committee and Nikkei National Museum co-present:

Online webinar: (What is) a short intro to Japanese Canadian history?
Thursday, July 21, 2016
5-6pm PST | 8-9pm EST
Presenter: Carolyn Nakagawa
Host: National Association of Japanese Canadians Heritage Committee
Platform: Webex (online)

How do you begin a conversation about Japanese Canadian history with a new acquaintance or member of the public? What language should we use to explain events variously described as evacuation, internment, uprooting, forced removal, and incarceration? When speaking to someone with no prior knowledge, what is essential to explain? Join us for a discussion of how to effectively communicate the significance of Japanese Canadian history to the general public, using the NNMCC’s introductory pamphlet as an open case study. Registration is required: RSVP to [email protected] by Monday, July 18.

The Heritage Committee and the Nikkei National Museum have partnered to publicly offer a series of online webinars with free registration. The first webinar was held on Wednesday, May 18th and featured an introduction to the Nikkei National Museum’s online resources. More webinars will be scheduled in the summer months and will be led by the Nikkei National Museum’s Education Coordinator, Karah Goshinmon, and the Museum Intern, Carolyn Nakagawa. Webinar ideas and suggestions are welcome, please contact Lisa Uyeda.

HELP !! The NAJC Heritage Committee is seeking copies of Yon Shimizu’s publication: The Exiles, an Archival History of the World War II Japanese Road Camps in British Columbia and Ontario. Yon’s extensive research within his publication is an incredibly rich resource for the Heritage Committee’s current exploration into the history of British Columbia’s road camps. Paired with photographs and oral histories from various archives and families, the Heritage Committee has begun drafting the new signage. If you have information about the road camps and/or a copy of the publication and are interested in donating it or lending it please contact Lisa at [email protected].

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