Art Miki was the recipient of the Harmony Award presented by the Transformation Awards Program on June 4, 2016 at the Royal York Hotel in Toronto. This program celebrates leaders and innovators in 12 categories “that inspire, transform, empower, showcase, celebrate and integrate various elements for a more perfect mosaic”. Although Japanese Canadian Communities are aware of Art Miki’s roles as educator, activist, and leader, this celebration gave opportunity to be recognized by over 400 people in attendance and dignitaries that represent other communities.
As an educator, he was school principal and lecturer at the University of Winnipeg, and author of the Japanese Canadian Redress Legacy (2001) and co-authored Shaku of Wondrous Grace (2007). As an activist, Art Miki led the redress settlement of 1988 and Director of the Japanese Canadian Redress Foundation that administered $12 Million to various Japanese Canadian communities across Canada and founder of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation. As a community leader, Art fulfilled many headships in support of human rights, diversity, and harmony. He was recipient of the Order of Canada, Vice Chair of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation, President of the Japanese Cultural Association, Founder and President of the Asian Heritage Society of Manitoba, and President of the National Association of Japanese Canadians.

At the event, Art Miki said,
” I’m accepting this award on behalf of the many Japanese Canadians who had suffered the injustices and whose rights were violated during the Second World War. I know that my grandfather told his family and friends to remain in Canada despite pressures to leave because Canada is our home. Although Japanese population today is around 100,000 in the entire country, we can see the many contributions made by Japanese Canadians who have helped make this country great.”
His achievements were recognized and celebrated with other well-known recipients like Donovan Bailey, Olympian and Track & Field athlete, Jackie Richardson, Singer and Actor, Anthony Farnell, Chief Meteorologist of Global TV, Saad Rafi, CEO of 2015 Panam Games, and 8 other recipients. It is at these events that the Japanese Canadian stories are not forgotten as part of Canadian history.
Congratulations to Art Miki who received the 2016 Transformation Award for Advancing Cultural Harmony.