Landscapes of Injustice Book Launch

Landscapes of Injustice is pleased to announce the release of Landscapes of Injustice: A New Perspective on the Internment and Dispossession of Japanese Canadians. Including chapters by 11 authors, this book reinterprets the uprooting of Japanese Canadians by focusing on the deliberate and permanent destruction of home through the act of dispossession. Join editor Jordan Stanger-Ross and guests, Audrey Kobayashi, Kaitlin Findlay and Nicholas Blomley as they chat about their involvement in the project and how and what they came to contribute to this volume.Continue reading

NAJC President’s Message – August 2020

by Lorene Oikawa One of the commemorative events we recognized this month is Hiroshima Day on August 6. It’s been 75 years since the bombing of Hiroshima. Many of the young children who survived that day are now seniors. I spoke to two of them to get their perspective.  On August 6, we observe Hiroshima...

NAJC会長のメッセージ 2020年8月

ロリン・オイカワ 8月の記念日の一つに8月6日の「ヒロシマ・デイ」があります。今年は広島に原爆が投下されてから75年になります。原爆を生き残った広島の子どもたちの多くは、もう後期高齢者になりました。わたしはそのうちの二人と話す機会がありました。

Free online masterclass with Tetsuro Shigematsu

The National Association of Japanese Canadians is pleased to present a masterclass with Tetsuro Shigematsu. Tetsuro is a writer, broadcaster, and theatre creator who has centered his practice on the art of storytelling. In this session he will discuss his process of creating biographical theatre works such as 'Empire of the Son' and '1 Hour Photo,' from the ethical considerations of dramatizing personal life experiences, to the craft of eliciting captivating stories through one-on-one interviews with his subjects.Continue reading

NAJC online session: Legacy of Canadian Redress

For Japanese Canadians, the legacy of Redress is to work towards the elimination of racial discrimination and intolerance, and work with other Canadian groups and Indigenous peoples for justice and equity for all people. Both Indigenous and Japanese Canadian stories have been left out of the historical narrative of Canada for too long. Speakers share their perspectives of their communities and the intersection of Indigenous peoples and Japanese Canadians in their fight for their rights, their communities, and their environment.Continue reading

NAJC会長のメッセージ 2020年7月

ロリン・オイカワ 夏になり通常はいろいろな祭りを楽しむ時が来ましたが、今年は新型コロナウィルスのために様変わりです。祭りは延期されたりオンラインで行われたりしています。「裏返しパレード」という方法の祭りもあります。観客は車から降りずに車に乗ったままいろいろなステージを順番に見て回るという方法です。

NAJC President’s Message – July 2020

Your positive response to our online sessions is appreciated and we are continuing our online programming. It’s been a great way to connect during this pandemic. It’s also been a wonderful opportunity to bring people together from across the country to have important discussions such as our NAJC Human Rights Committee’s discussion about racism today and actions we can take.Continue reading

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