Young Adults Conference

The Young Adults Conference held at the Kamloops 2012 AGM will be coordinated by co-chairs, Lisa Schoenhofer (Ottawa) and Lindsay Tsuji (Toronto).  On the Saturday, Sept. 15th morning, the young adult delegate from each chapter will be discussing leadership, issues related to young adults JCs, networking, and planning for the September 2013 AGM Young Adults Conference in Toronto.

To support local chapters to send a young adult delegate, there is a subsidy of $250 for the first 4 young adult delegates coming to the Kamloops Conference on a First Come First Serve basis.  Please email Bev Ohashi, Chair of Community Development Committee by September 5th, 2012 at [email protected].  The email should provide the name of the delegate, chapter name, email, and phone number.

If you have not done so, please let the National Office when you register for the AGM if the delegate will be participating in the Young Adults Conference.

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