To visit new Toronto to Japan website click HERE
We at Gendai Gallery are devastated by loss of life and destruction caused by the Earthquake and Tsunami that occurred on March 11th, 2011 in North Eastern
Japan. There are numerous reports that clean water, food, and medicines are becoming scarce in tsunami and earthquake stricken areas.
As part of our efforts to support the international aid to Japan, Gendai will be supporting and is encouraging others to support Global Medic, a Toronto-based organization. Global Medic is a disaster relief group that currently has an advanced rapid response team on the ground and who will be sending much needed items, such as field hospitals, medicine, food, and water purification units, to stricken areas in Japan. They are a team of paramedics, nurses, doctors, engineers, logistic specialists, firefighters, and police officers that have done amazing work abroad in 39 countries, including Haiti, Sri Lanka, and Indonesia. Amanda Walsh, the wife of Board Director Tad Hozumi, is a emergency nurse and member of the organization.
Donations are accepted through their site by credit card or through cheque:
Global Medic is a completely volunteer run, zero-overhead group. 100% of donations will go to this mission. Thank you.
Sincerely, Yan Wu
Programming Director, Gendai Gallery
Toronto National Association of Japanese Canadians (National)
A major fund raising concert is now being planned in Toronto by the National office of the National Association of Japanese Canadians and the Sociology and Equity Studies in Education, OISE, University of Toronto. The concert will be held at the end of April and local and international artists will be performing to raise funds for the Canadian Red Cross relief efforts in Japan. Further information will be posted on this website and other social networks shortly. Further information can be obtained by contacting us at: [email protected]
On Tuesday evening, March, 2011, the Japanese & Canadian Network Organization (“JCNO”), held an emergency meeting at the Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC) to determine what the Japanese Canadian community in the Greater Toronto Area (“GTA”) and Southwestern Ontario could do to help Japan in the wake of the worst earthquake and tsunami ever to hit the country. JCNO is an association of about 30 member Japanese and Canadian groups and organizations in the GTA and in southwestern Ontario. It was formed in 1990 to serve as a community hub and clearinghouse for news, events, projects and programs that may be of interest to the Japanese Canadian community and the community-at-large. The JCNO helps its members to promote their goods and services through trade forums and business and cultural exchanges. Under its motto, “Understanding and Cooperation through Culture”; the JCNO also contributes to the preservation and enhancement of the multicultural heritage of Canada through the promotion of intercultural exchanges, culture and language studies and sponsorship of special events.
The Greater Toronto Chapter, NAJC (“GTA NAJC”) has been a JCNO member organization since its inception. The Momiji Health Care Society has been receiving donations and will take these to Canadian Red Cross. The Momiji staff has been given access to free phone calls to Japan and its auditorium is available if there is a need and can hold 250 people. On the corporate and commercial side, companies like Hitachi Canada, will be matching funds with employee donations. York University’s Shulich School of Business will be reselling Japanese pins with proceeds going to the Canadian Red Cross. The Japanese Restaurant Association will be setting up Red Cross donation boxes at member restaurants and organizing fundraising events at various restaurants in the near future. The JCNO will endeavour to establish an electronic means for members to advertise and report on their activities.
The Canadian Red Cross Appeal Strategy involves raising money for affected communities through Third Party Fundraising Agreement. Therefore, if you would like to host a fundraiser to raise money in support of Red Cross disaster relief efforts in Japan, please contact Stephanie Etkin, Fund Development Coordinator, 416-480-2500 x2255. Additionally, you can make a financial donation to the Canadian Red Cross Japan Earthquake/Asia Pacific Tsunami Fund as follows:
• Go online at
• Call 1-800-418-111 – the 14-hour toll-free line accepts VISA and MasterCard
• Visit in person your local Red Cross Office
• Mail your cheque to The Canadian Red Cross Society, 5700 Cancross Court, Mississauga, Ontario L5R 3E9
• Text: asia20333
• A Website to reunite families is:
The Consulate-General of Japan in Toronto informs that its office is currently not accepting donations of funds and goods. You may, however, wish to donate directly to the Japanese Red Cross Society. The Japanese Red Cross Society is responsible for overseeing the distribution of relief funds in each affected area in Japan. The monies are paid out to the victims directly by distribution committees.
Most recently, the Consulate-General of Japan has opened a Book of Condolence for the victims of the recent earthquake and tsunami which is available for signatures and messages. Please go the Website of the Consulate- General of Japan in Toronto: english/news/infocul-news/donation.html
Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre commits $100K to relief efforts
The Japanese Canadian Cultural Centre (JCCC) has committed $100,000 to Japan’s earthquake and tsunami relief efforts. Board members approved the amount at a meeting Tuesday, March 15 at the JCCC on Garamond Court, with funding coming from the Sakura Ball Gala honouring environmentalist Dr. David Suzuki April 9. The JCCC is also planning a series of benefit events including a concert and has set up a Japan Earthquake Relief Fund. To donate visit
Upcoming events:
March 24th – David Suzuki: Force of Nature screening
March 31st –Kiyoshi Nagata Drumming Ensemble Concert
April 9th – Sakura Ball April 14th – Concert for Japan – 10 top Canadian jazz artists
April 18th – Screening of film Tohoku area
May 1st – Family Animation Screening: Arashi no yoru ni