In 1916, two hundred twenty-two Japanese Canadian volunteers enlisted in the Canadian Expeditionary Force to fight in the trenches of Europe with the promise of the right to vote upon their return to British Columbia. Fifty-four men – almost a quarter of the volunteers – lost their lives in the battlefields of Europe. Not until 1931, did the remaining veterans receive the promised provincial franchise after much local opposition.
In 1942, the Canadian Government seized, sold property and sent 22,000 Japanese Canadians to Internment Camps. Nikkei were not given the right to vote until 1949 – four years after the end of World War Two.
The National Association of Japanese Canadians encourages eligible youth and members of our community to honour the heroic sacrifices made by the Issei and Nisei generation by voting in the upcoming Federal election. Every vote cast will help safeguard our rights as citizens of Canada. YOUR VOTE DOES MATTER!
National Association of Japanese Canadians
180 McPhillips Street
Winnipeg, Manitoba
R3E 2J9
T: 204-943-2910
F: 888-3192
“Leaving a Proud Legacy for Future Generations”
Photo credit for photo of soldier: Mitsui family