JAMSNET-CANADA : Events and Community Resources for February and March




1)“Special Award “ by Tokyo Caravanmate, Community-based Co-Operation Policy-Alliance of Local Governments

The project has received the “Special Award” for excellent activities in dementia support from the Tokyo Caravanmate, a Community-based Co-Operation Policy-Alliance of Local Governments, which trains over 13 million dementia advocates. From last year to this year, we have visited eight cities across Canada, where over 500 individuals have participated in workshops and become dementia advocates. We express our heartfelt gratitude to all dementia supporters and the Partner organizations and individuals who have provided tremendous support.
Yuka Okada, our instructor, will attend the awards ceremony in Tokyo on February 18th to present our activities. Upon returning from Tokyo, Yuka will also report on our activities at the following two events in Vancouver. We warmly invite everyone in Vancouver to attend these events.



2月19日(月曜日)午後4時に、認知症サポーターの方向けのステップアップ研修を行います。場所はバンクーバー日系ガーデナーズ協会で、29th Avenue Stationから徒歩約5分です。より専門的な知識を身につけてオレンジチームの活動に役立てましょう!


2)February 19th (Monday), 4:00 PM: Step-Up Training in Vancouver @ Nikkei Gardeners Association (Vancouver, Japanese)

On Monday, February 19th at 4:00 PM, we will have a Step-Up Training session for dementia supporters. The venue will be the Vancouver Nikkei Gardeners Association, located about a 5-minute walk from the 29th Avenue Station. Let’s acquire more specialized knowledge to contribute to the Orange Team activities!

Pre-registration: https://forms.gle/5QyD95iXsz7AaWwW9


3)220日(火)午後2時:認知症サポーターワークショップ@Wisteria Place(バンクーバー・英語/日本語フォローアップセッション)

2月20日(火)、Wisteria Placeにて認知症サポーターワークショップを開催します。ワークショップは英語で行われますが、その後約45分間の日本語のフォローアップセッションも行われます。認知症サポーターワークショップで学んだことを振り返り、記憶をブラッシュアップするためにも、ぜひご参加ください。


3)February 20th (Tuesday), 2:00 PM: Dementia Supporter Workshop @ Wisteria Place (Vancouver, English/Japanese Follow-up Session)

On February 20th (Tuesday), a dementia supporter workshop will be held at Wisteria Place. The workshop will be conducted in English, followed by a Japanese follow-up session lasting approximately 45 minutes. Please join us to review what you have learned in the dementia supporter workshop and refresh your memory.

Pre-registration: https://forms.gle/nXB6zTT7Pcz7SrUo8





4)February 25th (Sunday), 1:00 PM (EST): Dementia Online Kamishibai for Parents and Children (Online, Japanese)

On February 25th (Sunday), Ms. Mitsuko Litscher, the representative of Jamesnet Canada Switzerland, will read a handmade kamishibai (paper theatre) about dementia online in Japanese. This event is intended for children aged 6 and above. We encourage all family members to participate.

Pre-registration: https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJ0rcOugrjktG9CyiVdpzqFcMzsI8k6cFnH-





 上野 文彦医師プロフィール

2010年3月慶應義塾大学医学部卒。2012年4月慶應義塾大学医学部 精神・神経科学教室入局。 2014年4月~2019年3月 国立病院機構久里浜医療センター勤務。主にアルコール依存症・ネット依存症の臨床・研究を行いつつ、月一回のペースで奄美大島で認知症専門外来を担当。 2019年4月からカナダ・トロント大学附属のCentre for Addiction and Mental Health(CAMH)へ留学。主に統合失調症の画像研究をする傍ら、高齢者病棟での臨床業務に従事。 精神保健指定医、日本精神神経学会専門医・指導医、日本認知症学会専門医・指導医、精神神経薬理学専門医・指導医

5)March 16th (Sunday), 1:30 PM (EST): Workshop on Dementia by Dr. Fumihiko Ueno (Hybrid, Japanese)

A dementia workshop by psychiatrist Dr. Ueno, Fumihiko will be held in a hybrid format at Momiji Health Care Society (in-person in Toronto) and online via Zoom. The workshop will be conducted in Japanese. Following the workshop, there will also be a presentation by Yuka Okada about the report of our project. This is an event marking the finale of our project, so we encourage everyone to participate either in person or online. Please also cooperate with the pre-registration, which will serve as a preliminary survey for the workshop: https://forms.gle/zrse3KxzK9UaQj7B6

Dr. Ueno, Fumihiko Profile:

Dr. Ueno graduated from Keio University School of Medicine in March 2010 and joined the Department of Psychiatry and Neurology at Keio University School of Medicine in April 2012. From April 2014 to March 2019, he worked at The National Hospital Kurihama Medical Center, primarily engaged in clinical and research activities related to alcohol dependence and internet addiction, while also conducting a monthly dementia outpatient clinic in Amami Oshima. From April 2019, Dr. Ueno studied at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH), affiliated with the University of Toronto in Canada. He engaged in image research on schizophrenia and clinical work in the geriatric ward. Dr. Ueno is a certified psychiatrist, specialist and instructor of the Japanese Society of Psychiatry and Neurology, a specialist and instructor of the Japanese Society of Dementia, and a specialist and instructor of psychopharmacology.



隣組にて家族ケアー・ギバー・サポート・グループ(日本語および英語)が新たに2月より始まることになりました。BC州認定のクリニカルソーシャルワーカーの方がファシリテートされます。Zoomによるサポートグループですので、カナダ全国どこからでも参加いただけます。ご連絡は電話(778-888-6914)かメール([email protected])にてよろしくお願いいたします。


6)Tonari gumi: Care Giver Support Group

A family caregiver support group (in Japanese and English) is starting in February at Tonari Gumi. The group will be facilitated by a BC-certified clinical social worker. Since it will be conducted via Zoom, participants from anywhere in Canada are welcome to join. Please contact them by phone (778-888-6914) or email ([email protected]) for more information.



GVJCCAの4月6日の敬老会のお知らせです。70歳以上の方が対象です。(パートナーや配偶者の方は70歳以下でも大丈夫です)チケットは10ドル、申し込み締め切りは3月22日になります。お電話(604-874-5659)もしくはメール([email protected])にてご連絡ください。

7)April 6th (Saturday), GVJCCA Keirokai 2024 (Vancouver)

This is an announcement for the April 6th Keirokai event hosted by GVJCCA. This event is for individuals aged 70 and above (Partners or spouses under the age of 70 are also welcome). Tickets are $10, and the deadline for registration is March 22nd. Please contact them by phone at 604-874-5659 or by email at [email protected] to register.









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