Intergenerational Healing Circle

On March 25th, 2023 the NAJC Human Rights Committee held the online event “Japanese Canadians Standing with Indigenous Peoples: Justice for Murdered and Missing Indigenous Women, Girls, and 2Spirit+ Members”, featuring guest speaker Skundal Bernie Williams. This event, held in partnership with the Greater Vancouver JCCA, is part of the NAJC HRC’s commitment to outreach and stand with Indigenous Communities on outstanding justice issues. As a follow-up event, the HRC will partner with the Turtle Island Project to hold online Indigenous and Japanese-Canadian sharing circles on June 10th. Sharing circles provide a safe space where people can learn about each other’s stories and perspectives. The theme of these circles will be intergenerational healing and intercultural collaboration. With this event, the HRC hopes to provide a safe space for participants to discuss their life experiences as well as generate recommendations on what can be done to promote intergenerational healing and strengthen intercultural collaboration.

Saturday, June 10, 2023

11:00-1:30 PDT/1:00-3:30 CDT/2:00-4:30 EDT

Location: Virtual (Zoom)

Register here.



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