There may be situations where you believe that you have been treated unfairly or without respect when being served at a store, in employment or looking for housing.  Some of these situations might be discrimination under human rights law, but there are also other laws that protect you:

  • Canada’s criminal code deals with physical or sexual assault or violations of your property.
  • Provincial and territorial employment, labour standards and workplace health and safety laws set out the regulations for the treatment of workers and their working conditions, payment of salary and other minimum standards.
  • Residential tenancy laws and building codes set out the conditions for the landlord and tenant relationship, and the construction of new buildings or the renovation and maintenance of existing buildings.
  • Privacy laws deal with the collection, retention, use and disclosure of personal information held by government institutions and private sector organizations.

Federal and provincial and territorial human rights laws deal with violations of a person’s dignity and equality.  The information in these webpages provides an introduction to how human rights law can protect you in specific situations.