第6回移住者座談会 ― 「私の名はユキコ」を出発点として
登録は: https://bit.ly/Yukiko (プロフィールのリンクからどうぞ)
今回の座談会は、「私の名はユキコ」(無料ダウンロード:https://bit.ly/japaneseonbeingyukiko)を対話のきっかけとして、皆さんのご意見を自由にぶつけあって、ゆっくり話し合う機会にしたいと思います。事前に、無料ダウンロードできる「ユキコ」をお読みくだされば、話し合いがより円滑に進むことでしょう。8回に亘るJNIC 主催の日系史セミナーで学んだ日系人の歴史の知識が、私たちの話し合いの内容を深めてくれることは間違いありません。
1)歴史を正しく記録し伝承していくことの大切さ。学校での歴史教育、カナダでは?日本では? 新移住者の間で、ことに若い世代に日系カナダ人の歴史はよく知られているでしょうか?
2)アイデンティティとは?その定義は?“Who am I?” という問いに、あなたはどう答えますか?子供に訊かれたら、どう応じますか?エスニック・アイデンティティとセルフ・アイデンティティ(自己認識)とは、どのように違いますか?
3)戦時中の日系人強制収容、リドレス、それらの日系カナダ人の歴史を、新移住者としてどう受け止めますか? 日系3世、4世、5世たちと新移住者たちとは、どうしたら相互により深く理解し合えるのでしょうか?
勿論これ以外にも関連した問題は数多くあるでしょうが、ともかくこのあたりから話し合いを始めたら如何でしょう? 田中裕介さんが書き続けてくださっているセミナー通信の中にも、鋭い問題提起が多々あります。話し合う材料には事欠かないはずです。お互いにじっくり相手の意見を聞きあって、実りのある座談会にしましょう。
The 6th Ijusha Conversation – “On Being Yukiko” as a starting point
Wednesday, August 16, 2023
We would like to use “On Being Yukiko” (Free download link for Japanese version ) as a starting point for discussion, and would like to have the opportunity to freely share our opinions and discuss them. Since this is an open discussion, we do not know what direction the conversation will take, and we may run out of time before we finish what we want to say. Please understand that the purpose of the discussion is to find meaning in the exchange of diverse opinions.
Here are some discussion points ideas to start a conversation. Please note that these are just discussion points, and it doesn’t mean we will necessarily talk about these specific topics on the day of the event:
1) The importance of accurately recording and teaching history. How is history being taught in schools in Canada and Japan? Do the younger generations of new immigrants have a good understanding of the history of Japanese Canadians?
2) What is identity? How do you define it? How would you answer the question, “Who am I? If asked by a child, how would you respond? How is ethnic identity different from self identity?
3) How do new immigrants perceive the history of Japanese Canadians during internment and wartime reparations? How can third, fourth and fifth generation Japanese Canadians and new immigrants better understand and connect with each other?
4) If a child is told by another student at school, “The Japanese did terrible things to the Chinese during the war,” how would you, as a parent, respond? How should you deal with this issue?
Of course, there are many other related issues that can be discussed, but starting from these points might be a good idea. Mr. Yusuke Tanaka’s seminar newsletters also contain many sharp discussion topics. There should be no lack of material for fruitful discussions.
Let’s listen carefully to each other’s opinions and make this a productive roundtable discussion. Except for a very brief introduction, most of the 90 minutes will be devoted to group discussion.
It’s free and open to everyone, but pre-registration is required.
This event is organized by NAJC (National Association of Japanese Canadians) JNIC (Japanese New Immigrants Committee).
This even will be held in Japanese. Please share to your Japanese ijusha friends.