第4回カナダ日系社会145年史 Canada Nikkei History Seminar Part4

第4回カナダ日系社会145年史 Canada Nikkei History Seminar Part4
This seminar is held in Japanese.
Feb 23, 2023 05:00 PM

Registration: bit.ly/NikkeiHistory4



今年は日系カナダ人が強制収容された1942 年から数えて80周年目になります。また、日系移民第1 号とされる長崎県出身の永野萬蔵がカナダに上陸してから、2022 年で145年目。わたしたち戦後の新移住
者の家族はすでに3世代を擁し、総勢12 万人(2016 年)といわれる日系カナダ人の約半数を占めています。

Part 4: 1920s: From Settlement to Development: The “White Lead, Japanese Obey” Era and Nikkei Workers
The 1907 riots led to a shift in the Nikkei community towards settlement and the birth of the Nisei generation. After the First World War, the Western powers saw Japan as a threat and the Canadian government cut fishing permits for Nikkei fishermen by 40%. In 1920, the Tairiku Nippo, led by Etsu Suzuki, promoted the formation of a Nikkei labour union to prevent racial discrimination by deepening mutual understanding with the white community. However, many Nikkei who were sceptical of the labour movement joined the opposition, causing deep divisions in the Nikkei community. In 1927, however, the Canadian Labour Union accepted the Nikkei Workers’ Union as an affiliate. As the Nisei came of age, they began to demand an end to the discriminatory system.


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